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15 Playful And Chic Tree Wall Decals

Ngày đăng: 07/10/2013

Wall decals are a simple and very chic décor solution for the walls of our homes. They come in many designs and themes but tree wall decals are some of the most popular.There’s something about this motif that makes it especially appealing, not just for the kids’ room but also for other spaces as well.

Tree wall decals are one of the most popular designs. They come in many forms, shapes and sizes and they can b playful, funny, romantic, abstract, simple, colorful, etc. They’re an artificial way of establishing some sort of connection with nature or at least of including this concept into the décor. Depending on the atmosphere you are trying to create, you can opt for one of the many different designs and models.

In the nursery.

Contemporary nursery featuring a beautiful cherry blossom tree decal

If you’re also creative and like to personalize your interiors, you can add your own touch to the design. For example, you can paint the wall you have chosen for the decal and create a background for it or you can try to use the decal for something else such as a hanger or a similar storage solution.

Colorful contemporary nursery with turquoise wall and a playful tree decal

Minimalist contemporary nursery with white tree decals and neutral colors

Eclectic nursery with grey walls and a white tree wall decal

Expansive nursery with a classical décor and a stylish tree wall decal

Tree wall decals look very beautiful in the nursery. They create a peaceful atmosphere and are wonderful decorations to be placed near the crib. You can either buy them or make them yourself. The colors and the designs you can choose from always differ but they should not contrast with the rest of the décor.

In the bathroom.

Contemporary bathroom with dark green walls and an eye-catching tree wall decal

Small modern bathroom featuring a minimalist tree wall decal/hanger

The bathroom is also a calm, intimate space so a tree wall decal could be a nice décor element. But you can’t opt for the same simple designs like in the case of the nursery. If you want to make the decal stand out, you should choose more dynamic designs with vibrant colors or unique shapes. You can even take advantage of the design and turn the tree into a hanger.

In the bedroom.

Eclectic bedroom featuring a playful tree wall decal with monkeys

Contemporary bedroom featuring a black accent wall with white tree wall decals

Simple but dynamic bedroom with white tree wall decals on a red background

Bold bedroom interior with a colorful tree wall decal next to the bed

Whether you have a serene, tranquil bedroom or one with a more dynamic and abstract design, tree wall decals can make wonderful decorative details. They can give the room a romantic look, a sophisticated or casual look or they can even add drama to the décor.

In the playroom.

Contemporary playroom featuring a tree wall decal with shelf branches

Colorful and inviting playroom with a large tree wall decal behind the sitting area

Eclectic playroom with a playful tree wall decal in the corner

Of course, wall decals in general are wonderful decorations for the playroom. A tree wall decal would also be a lovely choice as it can be extended into a more complex design. Lots of creative ideas can come from this and a whole theme can be created.

Follows: homedit.com

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