Outstanding loans and real estate NPLs of the fact that how much of the total outstanding loans of the whole banking system, which will be a mystery.
Many items in nature are not credit institutions credit properly and fully accounted making loans and real estate NPLs substantially higher than the reported figure.
Lower profit, higher bad debt
A series of remarkable assessment of business performance is low, access to loans and bad debt problems rise of businesses (enterprises) in the financial sector has been Financial Supervisory Commission International Date (GSTCQG Commission) announced last week in a detailed monitoring report. Survey results of 560 listed firms that committee, making a net profit on equity (ROE) was at its lowest level in the last 5 years, only 11.8% in 2012 compared with 14.5% in 2008. In this group, the rate of decline in profitability is strong and the biggest drop in the construction sector - construction (1%), cement (4%), agriculture and forestry - fishery (4%), transportation - warehousing ( 5.5%) and real estate 7%).
Notably, the industries with low profitability performance and the financial situation is also bad sectors with the highest proportion of bad debt in the system of credit institutions use (CIs). NPL figures of 6 branches in the area committee to 30.4 last update showed that processing industries - fabricated with the highest NPL ratio up to 21.15%, while the lowest in the sector download - warehousing and approximately 9.5%. "NPL ratio of 6 sectors 2-5 times higher than the average NPL ratio as reported by the credit" - comments GSTCQG Commission.
Worrying developments except transportation - warehousing dumps NPL ratio decreased, the remaining industries such as construction, real estate or are processed NPL ratio increased or even decreased slightly in recent times. The number of concerns that, while the balance of the 6 sectors accounted for 30.4 to 66.69% of total outstanding loans of the banks, bad debts accounted for 81.53% of total system loans. Despite that, the proportion of 6 sector credit fell 1.1 percentage points compared to the total loans of the banks in the first 4 months of 2013.
Indeed tragic
figure NPL But this is not necessarily the exact numbers and reflect reality. For private real estate market, the Commission said GSTCQG frankly, bad debt developments of this sector do not properly reflect the volatility of the real estate market. Until the end of April, the ratio of real estate loans in the group with the highest number of 11.4%. Goes back to 2012, the sector's NPL ratio rose 1.2 percentage points compared with the same period in 2011, at 4.7%, but it decreased significantly compared with 6.2 point 30.6.2012 %. Looking at the reality of the market volatility and market context prolonged freezing, the committee recognized, real estate loans can be higher. "Cause the mode of accounting reports and financial institutions is inadequate, in addition the data are affected by the decision of SB 780 (on loan classification is adjusted for debt repayment period, in term debt) "- Commission GSTCQG analysis.
Indeed, in the period 2010-2012, especially in 2010 and 2011, many items of nature is not the banks credit properly and fully accounted for. It is also possible that the credits as risky real estate loans and securities but is recorded in the form of corporate bonds, investment trusts or accounts receivable. To prove this claim, the Commission conducted GSTCQG evaluation methods applied to these items since 2011 until now. As a result, debt and real estate NPLs substantially higher than reported by the banks. In particular, bad debts accounted for 33-35% of real estate debt revaluation. Outstanding loans and real estate NPLs of the fact that how much of the total outstanding loans of the whole banking system, which would be a unknowns. Just know that, through the calculation of financial supervisory agencies, bad debt figures published seems to have beauty than reality. The story is, if you do not understand the real numbers, bad debt settlement process will be effective anywhere?
According: homedirect.com.vn