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Colorful Apartment Boosting An Unconventional Mix Of Styles

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2013

In an interior décor, color is very important and Russian designed and artist Dimitriy Schuka definitely understood that when designing this apartment. As you can see, there’s lots of color in each room of this place and it all blends together so beautifully that all there’s left is harmony. Not only that the interior of the apartment is colorful but it’s also bold, modern and artistic.

This project took a standard home and elevated it to a whole new level. The colorful furnishings, the bright wall paint and all the pop art pieces contribute to an overall stunning and unique look. We’ve mentioned that the interior is modern, but as you can see, there are lots of classical and antique pieces inside.

Modern is a feeling given by all the color and all the energy inside while the actual style is hard to determine. The apartment stands out because it features a common design scheme but, at the same time, it’s very different and unusual.

The living room features dark floors and contrasting wall colors with white and dark blue accents and the room has an overall rich and inviting appeal. The kitchen and the dining room are part of the same space but they are well delimitated. There’s not a lot of color in this area but the accent shades are very bold and they really pop. The same concept was carried throughout the apartment, in all the other rooms.

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