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Easy Upgrades for Your Guest Room

Ngày đăng: 09/12/2013

It’s the time of year when many people will welcome guests into their homes. Some of these guests will just stay for an afternoon or evening, but others might require a bit more time. If you’re expecting any overnight guests over the next couple of months, there are a few easy things you can do to make them feel more welcome and comfortable in your space.

And even if you’re not expecting anyone, upgrading your guest room can be incredibly easy and well worth it in the case of any last minute visitors.


Empty Storage Spaces.


If you tend to store your own things in the guest bedroom throughout the rest of the year, now is a great time to find a more permanent home for those items. Shoving random things without a true home into drawers and closets means less room for your guests. Giving them a space to unpack a little bit can make them feel more welcome and at home.

Include the Essentials.

Think about all of the things you need when you stay with someone – towels, toiletries, snacks and drinks, etc. Make a little cart or care package with such items or at least let your guests know where they can find all of these things in your home. This should make them feel more comfortable rather than needing to ask for your help every time they need to find something in your home.

Don’t Forget the Details.


Of course you need to think practically when getting a guest bedroom ready for friends and family, but it’s also important not to forget the little things that can make the room a more inviting space. Little knick knacks, photos, and other items around the room can make it feel more like an actual home rather than a sterile guest bedroom that hardly ever sees visitors.

Personalize for Each Guest.


If you’re expecting someone specific for the holidays, take their personal tastes into account when upgrading the guest bedroom. Think about their favorite colors, how much space they usually need for unpacking, and even gifts they may have bought you over the years or other items with special meaning to them. Taking just a few minutes before they arrive to personalize the space can make a huge difference for the guest.

Upgrading your guest bedroom doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. Making just a few easy changes can make your guests feel more comfortable and welcome in your home.


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