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Outdoor Beds That Offer Pleasure, Comfort And Style

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2013

When the weather is friendly, the sun is up in the sky and your day is wide open, what could be more pleasant than relaxing outside? Of course, having a bed there would also help. The beds that you see on porches or in gardens are different from the ones we use in our homes. First of all, they have to be made from special materials in order to withstand the conditions.

Designed as an outdoor bed, this piece provides three individual seats

Outdoor beds need to be waterproof and, if they’re not, then they need to be kept in protected areas. They also have to be resistant to sun and to other elements. But the thing that all bed types have in common is the fact that they’re designed to be comfortable. They have cozy upholstery and they are soft and pleasant to the touch.


The simple and modern design of this bed gives you the possibility to also add curtains

This bed has a special place in the corner of the patio

If you have the space you should definitely consider adding a bed to your balcony or terrace

These modern daybeds impress with their bold design and with the comfort they offer

Expandable outdoor beds can offer you the extra comfort you need

You don’t need a tall building in order to have a beautiful rooftop deck

Luxurious Mediterranean rooftop terrace with Jacuzzi and elegant baldachin beds

Very versatile, hanging beds can look good on both traditional and modern porches

An elegant outdoor sunbed with an umbrella roof and curtains

Such a bed would be an imposing addition to a patio or even to a garden

To really take advantage of the surrounding nature, place your bed in the garden

A simple daybed like this one could look nice on a covered patio

A more unusual type of outdoor bed with a hammock sustained by wooden poles

The screens that form the frame for this bed are mainly decorative

Few things are more romantic than a baldachin outdoor bed overlooking nature

Kids definitely like hanging beds so maybe you could find one with an appropriate design

Most often, outdoor beds have a special kind of design for their frame and they feature poles meant to sustain canopies, curtains and other structures designed to provide shade during summer. There’s also another distinct characteristic that defines outdoor beds. They also feature a color palette based on bright shades and bold colors. That’s because the neutral shades we often choose for our indoor furniture won’t match the outdoor décor and will only make the beds look out of place.



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