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Minty Interior Decors Showcasing A Soft Yet Vibrant Look

Ngày đăng: 16/11/2013

Mint or mint green is a very distinctive color which has a fresh vibe. However, it’s not very common in interior décor. What’s interesting about this shade is the fact that it’s very vibrant for a pastel color. When you use it in a room, whether it’s on the walls, furniture or in the form of accessories, that space instantly becomes full of energy. But, as always, working with such a powerful color is tricky.

Mint green can, however, make a space feel cold so combine it with warm woods and earthy shades

Because it has such a fresh vibe, mint is a color suitable for spaces such as the bedroom. It’s also a great color for the kitchen where it makes everything look very clean and fresh.


It’s also a color perfect for the kitchen because of its freshness and clean appeal

Mint is a shade that’s perfect for the bedroom where the atmosphere needs to be relaxing

The color is a wonderful choice if you want to emphasize the brightness of a space

As a wall color, it can be a little too strong so it would be better to use it on a single wall

Mint is also a color reminiscent of the vintage and retro era when it was popular on furniture

The combination of white and soft and bright pastels is absolutely amazing here

You can also use this fresh color on the bathroom walls where it would brighten up the space

The balance between warm and cold shades and between textures is very beautiful here

Because it has such a fresh vibe, mint is a color suitable for spaces such as the bedroom. It’s also a great color for the kitchen where it makes everything look very clean and fresh. It’s a soft color and it can create a very bright and relaxing atmosphere. At the same time, it’s also a color that can bring dynamism into a space like the living room. I particularly like the combination of white and mint which results in a very crisp and airy type of décor.


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